Vision and Values

Our current mission statement is to see God transforming lives as we follow Jesus, build community and make disciples.

Following Jesus

We want to grow in our relationship with God together, showing love and concern for His world. We want prayer and scripture to be central as we seek His will and strengthen our discipleship. As we discern what God wants, we pray that each person will be encouraged and equipped to live out their life following Jesus, as part of belonging to our churches.

Making Disciples

Whilst each of our churches reflects a broad range of traditions, it is important to all of us that everyone can flourish in their faith.  Our previous incumbent has helped us to widen our view of what ‘church’ is and can be, and so our services, whether liturgical or more contemporary in style, seek to fuel faith in Jesus,  which is deep, real and honest.  We have welcomed the development of a new creative worshipping community and some small groups, which have added a richness to our church life together.  We would love to see God prompting curious hearts and minds among us, and fuelling a hunger to know more of who God is in Jesus.  We recognise too that our worship of God is not just about our services on a Sunday but about the whole of our lives; learning how we can worship and thrive in our faith in the everyday is important to us too.

We desire to grow both ‘younger’ and ‘deeper’ and to encourage every member of our church family to get involved so that our ministry is shared, and everyone is able to play their part.     

Building community

In each of our churches, we have strong connections with our communities and are committed to serving them well.  We have begun our journey of becoming an intergenerational church which shares friendship and faith with those around us, through our active involvement with a cross-section of local people – young and old alike, and yet we long for more - and are always thinking of new ways in which to engage and connect with those around us. Looking outwards, beyond the safety and comfort of our church family, and thinking missionally is important to us, especially as the population of our parishes grows rapidly.